Paradise-1, the newest novel by David Wellington takes the reader to the edge of the galaxy to find out why hearth first interplanetary colony has gone dark.

Read our interview with David Wellington

If you are a fan of Wellington, you may have been more familiar with his earlier forays into the horror genre, he first broke out with the Undead Monster trilogy. Monster IslandMonster Nation and the final book Monster World. I can say that Monster Nation is one of my favorites. A more recent and exciting release was The Last Astronaut. Great book, I recommend that one too, it has horror, discovery, exploration and good sci-fi.

Cut to a few ago, when searching for something new exciting and horrorish the algorithms that be suggested Paradise-1.

The book had me with the promise of Sci-fi/horror. I bought the book and consider it 100% worth the buy. It’s the type of book that I’ll like re-read over the years.

We have a lost colony!

Paradise-1 the first hearth interplanetary colony that can support human life has gone dark. Unreachable, all communications with it have ceased. What happened? Not one of the ships that went to check ever came back.

The ones we root for!

The story begins well off-hearth with the main character, Alexandra Petrova chasing what she believes an interplanetary serial killer. Things don’t go according to plan, and she’s soon banished to Paradise-1.

Doctor Zhang the lone survivor of a plague that wiped out Saturn’s Titan moon colony. And who believes it was more than just a plague.

Sam Parker, the gifted pilot of the Artemis, and Alexandra erstwhile lover, who’s not against rekindling their relationship.

And one of the best artificial lifeforms since Murderbot of the Murderbot Diaries series, Rapscallion. To meet Rapscallion is to love it, or they, or them. The pronoun doesn’t matter, it’s love all the way, and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

Non-stop action

From there on the story is non-stop action. From characters being blow into space, and having to make it back on their own to their damaged ship to other imaginative, and sometimes gruesome action.

Our heroes soon have to face down over 100 starships, piloted by insane AIs along with the just as crazy human crews. All driven mad by the ever-present unique alien form, a mental parasite whose attacks can drive human and AIs to madness.

Quantity and Quality

At 700 plus pages It is a long novel and the better for it. I can’t wait for the next one.


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